Under the law 15 / 1999, of 13 of December, on the protection of data of character personal, you do connoisseur of that their data personal that can be in this communication, are incorporated in a file responsibility of the company commercial ALBASOUND SL. CIF: B62783436. The purpose of this file is to manage the service requested. The user guarantees the authenticity of all data communicated through www.albasoundsl.com and keep updated the information provided to Albasound SL, so that it responds at all times to the actual situation, being responsible for false or inexact manifestations that do, so as the damage caused by this Albasound SL, or to third parties. Albasound SL, not can assume any liability derived of the use incorrect, inappropriate or illicit of the information appeared in the pages of Internet of Albasound SL. With the limits laid down in the law, Albasound SL, assumes no responsibility resulting from the lack of veracity, integrity, updating and accuracy of the data or information contained in its Web pages. Them content and information of them pages of Internet of Albasound SL, are made by professional duly qualified for the exercise of their profession. However, the contents and information do not bind the above mentioned company, nor do they constitute opinions, advices or legal advice of any kind, as they are merely a service offered with informative character. Albasound SL’s Web pages may contain links (links) to other third party websites. Therefore, this not may assume responsibilities for the content that may appear in pages of third. The texts, images, sounds, animations, software and the rest of contents included in this website are property exclusive of Albasound SL or its licensing. Any act of transmission, distribution, cession, reproduction, storage or total or partial public communication must have the express consent of Albasound SL. Also, to access the services that Albasound SL offers through the website, you must provide some personal data. In compliance of it established in the LOPD 15 / 1999, of 13 of December, you inform you that their data personal will be incorporated and will be treated in them files of Albasound SL, to can you provide and offer our services. Likewise, we inform you of the possibility of exercising rights of access, rectification, cancellation and opposition of their personal data, in RONDA NARCÍS MONTURIOL, 9-08349 CABRERA DE MAR (BARCELONA)., or send an email to info@albasoundsl.com.Asimismo, your acceptance of this Legal notice implies the provision of express consent for Albasound SL can send advertising or promotional communications via e-mail or other equivalent means in the terms established by the law 34/2002, of services of the information society and electronic commerce. In the case of not being interested in receiving such communications please contact Albasound SL, at the above address or to the electronic mail info@albasoundsl.com, expressing their will. PROPERTY INTELECTUALLos content supplied by Albasound SL are subject to them rights of property intellectual and industrial and are owned exclusive of Albasound SL or of the people physical or legal that is report. Through the acquisition of a product or service, Albasound SL does not confer to the purchaser any right of alteration, exploitation, reproduction, distribution or public communication on it, Albasound SL reserves all such rights. The assignment of them cited rights need the prior consent by written from the holder of them same, so the customer not may put to disposal of third people such content. Intellectual property extends, apart from the content included in Albasound SL, to its graphics, logos, designs, images and source codes used for its programming. Albasound SL has obtained the information and materials included in the web from sources considered as reliable and, although reasonable measures have been taken to ensure that the information is correct, Albasound SL cannot guarantee that at all times and circumstances that information is accurate, complete, up-to-date and, consequently, not be relied upon it as if it were. Albasound SL expressly disclaims any liability for errors or omissions in the information contained in the pages of this website. Albasound SL is book the Faculty of modify, suspend, cancel or restrict the content of the web, the links or the information obtained through she, without need of prior notice. This, in any case, assumes responsibility any as consequence of the incorrect use of the web that can carry to out the user, both of the information as of them services in she contained. In no case Albasound SL, their branches and/or centers of work, their directors and/or attorneys, employees and, in general, the personal authorized will be responsible of any type of prejudice, losses, claims or expenses of any type, both if come, direct or indirectly, of the use and/or broadcasting of the web or of it information acquired or accessed by or through this , or of their virus computer, of faults operating or of interruptions in the service or transmission or of failures in the line in the use of the web, both by connection direct as by link u another half, constituting to all them effects legal a notice to any user of that these possibilities and events can occur. Albasound SL is not responsible for the websites do not own to which may be accessed via links or links («links») or any content to third parties. Any use of a link or a website: no access will be done by will and risk and exclusive ventura of the user. Albasound SL does not recommend or guarantee any of the / s information is obtained / s by or through a link, or be liable for any loss, claim or damage arising from the use or misuse of a link, or the information obtained through it, including other links or webs, for the interruption in service or access , or attempt to use or bad use a link, connecting to the web of Albasound SL both to access the info from other webs from the same. Industrial property and intelectualEsta website is owned by Albasound SL intellectual property rights and rights of exploitation and reproduction of this website, its pages, screens, the information that they contain, their appearance and design, as well as links («hyperlinks») which are established from it to other websites of any subsidiary and/or company dominated by Albasound SL, are exclusive property of this , unless expressly is specify another thing. Any name, design or logo, as well as any product or service offered and reflected on this website, are trademarks duly registered by Albasound SL, its subsidiaries and/or dominated companies or by third parties. Any abuse of them by people other than their legitimate owner and without the express and unequivocal consent by this may be denounced and persecuted through all the legal means existing in Spanish or Community legislation. Them rights of property intellectual and marks of third are featured conveniently and must be respected by all that that access to this page, not being responsibility of Albasound SL the use that the user can carry to out to the respect, relapsing the responsibility exclusive in his person. Only for personal and private use are allowed to download the contents, copy or print any page of this website. It is forbidden to reproduce, transmit, modify or delete the information, content or warnings from this site without the prior written permission of Albasound SL. Applicable law and Jurisdiccionlas these general conditions are governed by Spanish law, being competent Spanish courts to hear how many questions arise about the interpretation, application and fulfilment of them. He user, by virtue of its acceptance to the conditions General collected in this notice legal, waives expressly to any jurisdiction that, by application of the law of prosecution Civil existing could correspond you.